Eels partner with URBNSURF for summer safety
The Parramatta Eels have teamed up with URBNSURF to ensure Western Sydney families have the necessary tools to Play Safe This Summer.
Ahead of the summer holidays, Parra Eels Play partnered with URBNSURF to provide critical water safety teachings to over 100 Year 5 and 6 students and teachers from Dundas Public School.
Held at URBNSURF’s Sydney Olympic Park site, the two-hour session was packed with practical lessons such as rip current identification, the life-saving “float to survive” technique, and safe beach entry. Students also practiced essential surf skills and beach rescues, building their confidence around water.
The initiative comes after 323 drownings were reported in Australian waterways in the latest twelve-month period; a 16% increase on the 10-year average. Western Sydney residents are especially vulnerable, being twice as likely to drown as those from other parts of New South Wales. Many drowning incidents in the region involve people from migrant backgrounds.
Dundas Public School, located in the Parramatta LGA, boasts a culturally diverse cohort with 68% of students from language backgrounds other than English; including Korean, Chinese and Indian families.
Through the collaboration with URBNSURF, which has already educated over 2,000 students, the Parramatta Eels are empowering young people with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe.
As temperatures rise, the Parramatta Eels remind the community to Play Safe This Summer. With education and proactive measures, we can work together to prevent drowning and make summer safe for everyone
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