July 6, 2024

Callum McGregor didn’t appear at ease when he entered the game on Sunday afternoon at Ibrox during the Hoops’ 3-3 draw with the Rangers, according to Neil Lennon. Since the captain gave up the ball in the build-up to Sima’s equalizing goal to make it 2-2 at the time and appeared a little rusty, I have to say that I tend to agree with him on that one.

Understandably enough, I suppose, when you think about the fact he has missed the past four games now without starting or coming off the sidelines, to then be thrown into the cauldron of an atmosphere at that moment. It’s not that one instance that is the worry however; it’s the unimaginable thought of McGregor having to carry a long-term issue with his body.

Cameron Carter-Vickers had to go through surgery at the end of the last campaign and it’s hampered him – and us too it has to be said – as a result. We’ve suffered this season as too many key players have been missing either all at once or at various times throughout the duration of the year.

The injury list has occasionally been enough to make you cringe, and considering that Hatate has missed the majority of the season due to injury, losing the captain really isn’t something to consider.

Celtic struggled to bring the ball out from the back in a cohesive manner for sustained periods when we faced our foe in Govan last weekend. It’s no coincidence that Calmac was not about to help play that quarter-back role, where he looks to dictate the tempo and rhythm of the play from deep and bring the more attacking members of our team into play, getting us further up the pitch in the process and giving the defence a breather.

We still have some mammoth games to go in this title race and if anybody thinks it was cut and dried just because we’ve been to Ibrox now – think again. If it turns out McGregor is carrying an injury and that he either won’t be back to his physical state pre-achilles problem, or worse; he won’t manage to play again this season due to surgery being required or just fatigue, those last games could be challenging.

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