October 5, 2024

NASHVILLE – The Titans have a man.

Brian Callahan was named the team’s new head coach this week and held a news conference at Ascension Saint Thomas Sports Park.

The feedback has been plentiful.

Let’s get straight to it…

Here’s the link to submit your questions: Click here.

Nichloas S of Elk Grove, California.
Question: Hello, Mr. Wyatt. Brian Callahan… as our future CEO. I love this decision. Even with Jake Browning, Cincinnati’s offense has been on fire in recent years!
You’ve got to be as eager and enthusiastic as I am, especially given the drab misery and agony that impatient, know-it-all fans have recently shared in the mailbag. How much do you like Callahan’s choice compared to the other applicants interviewed? Do you believe Levis can someday be trained to play like a (healthy) Burrow (provided our offensive line and injuries improve)? I hope you’ve had a wonderful near year. We are barely eight months away. I AM SO READY!! Titan UPPPPP.

Jim: Hey, Nicholas. I like the Callahan hire. I think he’s an excellent coach with a great reputation. I think he had some fantastic things to say at the news conference. I really loved talking to him the other day. But this is only a piece of the puzzle. The team now needs to locate the ideal players through the pre-draft process and free agency. Coach Callahan needs to assemble his staff. The offseason is only getting begun. But I definitely like the hire.

Sean Kelley from Delaware.
Question: Hello Jim. With all due respect to Eddie, CJ, and Henry, I honestly feel like the possessed King from Lord of the Rings, freed from his tormenting thoughts. This team is no longer bound by the “Three Runs and Punt” concept, which has gripped it since 1997.

Jim: Sean, times are definitely changing. Most people appear to be enthused about the notion of having an offensive-minded coach and what it could imply in the future.

Arleen Neisz of Estero, Florida.
Question: Hello Jim! Today is a terrific day for Titans supporters! Brian Callahan was the perfect fit for this team, and I’m really enthusiastic for the future. First and foremost, does anyone know who Coach Callahan plans to hire as our offensive/defensive coordinators, as well as his assistant coach picks?

Jim: Not yet, Arleen. There has been a lot of chatter about his father, including from Cleveland. Some of it includes the belief that he isn’t going away, but we’ll see. Stay tuned.

Donley Canary of Raymore, Missouri.
Question: Good morning, Jim. Brian Callahan, our head coach, was a great hire in my perspective. Great pedigree. Great job experience. Well connected. Young. Innovative. What more could you ask for, but some people are unhappy. Why? Slowik wasn’t ready yet, and Detriot OC wasn’t interested in us.

I’m excited about the Titans and their future. Please 🙏 provide funds to hire qualified assistant coaches. Coaches who are excellent teachers, knowledgeable, and valuable members of our community. To be successful, Callahan must have the financial means to establish an excellent team. Hopefully, that is a priority for the Titan organization. Free agency. Draft. The Titans must outperform themselves in order to compete the following year. Let’s go, Titans!

Jim: Yes, Donley.

Scott Taylor of Dayton, Ohio
Question: Hello Jim. First, if I could: The Titans should retire the KING D Henry. If he can gain over a thousand yards behind the line, they should instruct a team to keep him and sign him to a couple-year contract with incentives like getting a particular number of yards, etc.
And I’m delighted the Titans signed Callahan to a contract; he was one of the few people I met who was at the top of my list, along with the Ravens’ defensive coordinator. These were my picks.

So, that brings me to my question. How does the salary system work? Does the money to pay the H.C. come from the players’ cap money, or does the team pay them?
Well, Jim, I hope you are enjoying your off-season. I think that’s about all. And Titans fans, keep your heads up; better days are on the way, and it would be even better if they could keep the KING. So I suppose that’s all for now, Jim, till next time. TITANUP.

Jim: It’s good to hear from you, Scott. The head coach’s wage does not count against the cap, which only applies to players.

David Graham is from McMinnville, Tennessee.
Question: Jim— It appears that many coaches were interviewed for the head coaching position. I’m curious whether they (tried) to get a sense of some potential successors for other coaching roles as well.

Jim: Hey, David. I wasn’t present for these interviews, but it’s usual for head coaching candidates to have some ideas about who they might want to hire on their staff. Of course, it does not always work out, for various reasons. Perhaps a team declines an interview request? Maybe an assistant gets another job? Of course, some of Vrabel’s aides could be retained. Time will tell.

Joni Daniels of Antioch, Tennessee
Question: After reviewing his resume, I’m quite enthusiastic about Brian Callahan’s new coaching position. He is an offensive coach that has worked with some very talented quarterbacks and can help Will Levis progress. I believe I now understand Mike Vrabel’s departure and look forward to this new coach who will bring a new and fresh perspective to the Titans. What are your thoughts, Jim?

Jim: Same.

Ginger Robertson of Little Rock, Arkansas
Question: Every week, I read your news website and the questions. It’s wonderful to have somewhere to go to catch up on the Titans when you don’t live in Tennessee. I am a Titans fan and listen to Mike and Coach Mac every week on SiriusXM. I detest that our CBS affiliate gets other teams besides the Titans every Sunday. Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing what the new coach can do to help us turn things around. Thank you for what you do and for listening to all of us every week. Your assistance to Titans fans is greatly needed and appreciated.

Jim: Many thanks, Ginger. Thank you for reading.

Pat Sweeney of Roselle Park, New Jersey.
Question: Hello Jim. Thank you for everything you do. First, thank you, Ms. Amy, for canning Mike. (He became too stubborn and it was time to move on). Put me in the camp of an offensive-minded coach, with Ran’s primary goals being to rebuild the offensive line. I wrote to you several years ago about inducting Bum Phillips, Jeff Fisher, and Jerry Glanville into the Titans’ Hall of Fame. Two out of three isn’t terrible, but I’m returning to make a pitch for Jerry.

Sure, a coach who wore all black and left tickets for Elvis was unusual, but he helped the Oilers recover from some of their darkest years in franchise history in the mid-1980s. He gave the Oilers a swagger and a rough mentality that propelled them to numerous playoff visits, none of which ended well. Who knows, if Mike Rozier had caught the Stagger Lee throw versus Denver, he could still be running, and a championship flag might have hung over the stadium. With 45 years of Oilers/Titans fans, I believe the Glanville years deserve to go down in history. Thank you, Jim. I love your blue/titan outfit.Elvis has left the building.

Jim: Thank you, Pat. Do you see where Jerry Glanville was recently hired defensive coordinator at Northwestern Oklahoma State? Good on him.

Taneal Clark Sr. of San Diego, California
Question: Hi, Jim. Longtime reader, first-time writer. I’d like to thank you for your informed remarks and opinions regarding the Titans, as do all of the other fans who write in. I look forward to reading yours and other fans’ comments whenever they are posted.

I must admit that some of our fans have gotten a little overzealous throughout the years, but I suppose that’s just them venting. If the Titans could win the Super Bowl every year, I’d be overjoyed, but I’m a realist who remembers the 5 total victories in back-to-back seasons. It’s not a nice moment to be a Titans fan. So I know that even when things appear to be terrible, they can worsen. I recall coming to games on the west coast and being the only Titans fan in my entire section, and there weren’t many of us in the stadium.

Nowadays, we are well represented at away games, and I enjoy every minute of it. With that said, my question is…why do you believe Mike Vrabel has not found a job yet, and do you think our next head coach will keep any of Vrabel’s coaches?
P.S. When my fellow football fans ask how I feel about our coach or a specific new player on the team. My response is…I’m fine with whoever brings the Parade (Super Bowl) to Nashville. #TITANUP

Jim: It’s good to hear from you, Taneal. I’ll be eager to see if Mike gets one of the two jobs that are still open in Washington or Seattle. If not, I believe he will acquire another employment at some point. I just think Mike and coach Bill Belichick have a unique style and approach that isn’t for everyone. It’s been fun to follow the coaching carousel this summer since some of the hires have been unexpected. … In terms of his staff, I expect some to be kept, but not many. There will be a lot of turnover because Coach Callahan is going to want his own players. I hope to see you at a parade one day.

Kristin Lloyd of Clemson, Alabama
Question: Jim, any updates on Ryan Stonehouse’s recovery? I’m really hoping he has a smooth return!

Jim: Hi, Kristin. I actually spoke with Ryan a few times this week. He is at the facility every day, rehabbing his knee. He believes things are going well and has a positive outlook.

Bobby Milam is from Dresden, Tennessee.
Question: Hello Jim. A quick question: I’ve read that Henry may sign with other teams for 4.2 million on a one-year contract. Do you believe Henry would resign with the Titans if offered the same deal?

Jim: Hey, Bobby. I hope everything is okay in Dresden, where my college suitemates were from my freshman year! Everything you’re seeing regarding Derrick and a potential contract right now is pure guesswork. Nothing will be coming into focus until March.

Lyn Taliaferro of Parsons, Tennessee.
When will the ground be broken for the new Nissan Stadium?

Jim: Possibly by the end of next month.

David Grissom of Huntington Beach, California
Question: CALLAHAN is the new HC. Grade: C. Another swing and a miss. Do not expect a winning season for three years.

Jim: David, we embrace all opinions, including the erroneous ones. Just kidding. Time will tell, but I like the idea of hiring myself.

Esta Caira of Clarksville, Tennessee.
Question: This is my first time openly asking a question.Please bear with me.
I see the need for a new coach and coaching staff. However, when does the training personnel receive any consideration? The past three years have been horrible to witness! In comparison to other teams, it appears that our players are more prone to injuries. Do other teams have better trainers, or are we just unlucky?

I hope this is rectified, and I also hope management brings in someone from the offensive side of the game. We’ve seen enough defensive coaches.
Thank you for listening.

Jim: Hi, Esta. Great to hear from you. This is a fair question. I can assure you that everything will be examined this offseason.

Bill Caldwell of Lebanon, Tennessee.

Question: Good morning, Jim. Nice snowstorm. I adore the one week of snowfall we get each year. Well, time to move on and look forward. So, please provide us with a schedule for making judgments about coaches and playing players. Hires, free agency, and drafts with reasonable time constraints. Then we’ll all understand when to ask clever inquiries. Stay safe.

Jim: Hello Bill. There are many moving components, but Callahan has already begun the process of assembling his team. Personnel, free agency does not begin until March 13.

Ed Martin is from Deer Lodge, Tennessee.
Question: Hello Jim, it appears that I am one of the fans that is outraged about Mike’s firing. Personally, I believe that skill on the field leads to victories, and when upper management can’t figure out how to make AJ Brown happy and trades him, there’s suddenly debate of “will Derrick Henry be back” and insane actions like keeping Malik on the roster while letting Dobbs go. I have no faith in ANY coach to fix this ship. Management must offer the necessary raw materials for any coach to succeed. What are your thoughts?

Jim: Hi Ed. The Eagles are also struggling to satisfy A.J. Brown. The Titans did not offer Josh Dobbs the same guaranteed $2 million deal he received elsewhere as a backup quarterback. We’ll have to see what happens to Derrick. He is a free agent but could be retained under the franchise tag. But does he want to return if he gets an opportunity elsewhere? Is he still a good fit in a new offense? What would a new contract look like in this scenario? What could other teams offer him? There’s just a lot of TBD, Ed.

Sadhish Siva is from Manchester, Tennessee.
Question: I have to tell, I was overjoyed that the Titans had finally secured the head coach position. Callahan was absolutely one of the top two candidates I hoped we could land (the other being Ben Johnson, Lions offensive coordinator).
I believe most Titans supporters were hoping to revamp the team’s offensive approach, which has been “3 yards and a cloud of dust” for decades and just does not cut it in today’s game. NFL regulations have favored the offense, particularly the throwing approach, which we have lagged behind in.

Based on his previous experiences, it appears like our new coach’s mindset is about to shift, and we are excited to light up the league once we have the correct individuals and effectively deploy the ones we have. It would be nice to return to the Run and Shoot days and the West Coast Offense coaching tree.
I propose “C & C Music City Factory” as a moniker for the generals who lead our Titans in combat.
Hopefully, they’ll make rival teams sweat till they bleed.

Jim: I’ll toss it out there, Sadhish. Thanks.

Dan Baird of Nashville, Tennessee.

Question: Jim, I presume you get a lot of “NEVER WATCHING THIS #&$@ SHOW AGAIN” emails.
There are so many unemployed general managers out there in Titan-land!
I just want to express that I will be watching and supporting our Titans.
This may become intriguing.

Jim: I received a handful of these when Vrabel was fired. The tide appears to have shifted slightly in recent weeks. But I understand that not everyone will agree on everything, which is what keeps the mailbag hopping.

Jonah Levia of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Question: Hello, Jim. Thank you for doing what you do. While I am disappointed with Vrabel’s firing, I understand that the NFL is a business. And if the NFL had crowdsourced its decisions, it would have folded decades ago. I love the Titans and will continue to support them throughout Northeast Ohio (Browns country). I was wondering if you could tell me how to get an autograph from Vrabel. Thank you again!

Jim: Thanks, Jonah. I’m not your point of contact for Vrabel autographs, though. Sorry, and good luck.

Mario Williams of Richmond, Kentucky
Question: Hi, Jim. I am a Nashville native. I’ve been a Titans fan since they arrived, and I consider myself a superfan. In 2021, I went to every Titans road game. Now that we’re going through a coaching transition, I must admit that the process feels different. Seems far more serious and focused. I’d like to thank Amy and her team for working so hard to provide us with something to be happy about. I understand we need offensive line help, but would it be sensible to draft a wide receiver in the first round and an offensive lineman in the second round?
Thank you for your time and thoughts.

Jim: I appreciate your feedback, Mario. It’s hard for me to say anything about the draft right now. First, we need to observe what occurs in free agency.

Sheldon Kahan of Nashville, Tennessee
Question: Hello Jim. This is a reference to Vrab’s firing. I’m not a professional, but it appears that injuries have been the major impediment to the Titans’ success in recent years. You can’t win with second-team players against first-team players, and I’m reminded of Vrab’s repeated remark to the team that the possibilities of players getting injured are 100%.

The Titans have had so many injuries in recent years that I’m beginning to question if that mentality is a self-fulfilling prophecy, or if there is something in the coaching that causes player ailments. Obviously, as a fan, I can’t corroborate this, but it goes far beyond the law of averages. Something is inflicting massive injuries. Time will tell whether it was the coaching. Hopefully, it will look positively on this decision.

Jim: We will see, Sheldon. I hope all is good.

Rick Pinkerton of Terryville, Connecticut.
Question: Jim, I’ve been an Oilers/Titans fan for 64 years, beginning in 1960. I am happy about the new changes that the Titans are implementing; I believe that if Will receives the coaching that will help him develop as a quarterback, he will be able to lead this club in a great way. That implies we’ll need a head coach and an offensive coordinator who identify and nurture his talents. If this is accomplished, I believe his zeal and competitiveness will serve as an example for the rest of the squad to follow suit. To succeed, he will need all of the parts in place. With the draft picks and free agency, I believe this is possible. For me, a fan since the beginning, this is a breath of fresh air, something that has the potential to transform things for the better. How many times have we moaned about the OC or DC? This is an opportunity to change all of that, if Amy finds the perfect HC, which I believe she will. I feel we can finally go over the hump and advance deep into the playoffs, which is something we rarely do. For those who want to give up on the Titans, I say you will always be welcomed back. After the smoke has cleared and we have our new team and HC, my mantra is “WHY NOT US?”

Jim: I appreciate your optimism, Rick.

Ed Helinski of Auburn, New York.
Question: Hello, Jim. I hope your 2024 is going well thus far. Here’s the question: What will be the team’s top 3-5 priorities over the offseason? Feel free to add additional as needed.

Jim: 1. Brian Callahan must pick his coaching staff. 2. Begin preparing for the NFL Draft by attending the Senior Bowl, NFL Combine, and other pre-draft events. 3. Identify the best players to sign in free agency. 4. Determine whether of the team’s present players are worth keeping. 5. Begin the team-building process when the offseason program starts on April 1.

Have a fantastic week, everyone!




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