October 18, 2024

Brenden Bryce was just a freshman on the wrestling team at Alexandria Area High School when on Monday, January 9, 2023, something happened that would make his next year a struggle beyond any words a young man could imagine.

Brenden, who began wrestling in kindergarten, was at practice doing a live match, when he hit the back right of his head on the entry door to the wrestling room. He brushed it off but said “there were only like twenty minutes left, but my teammates said I just wasn’t with it”.

A day or two later, he went to his trainer who performed concussion protocol. One of the requirements was you need to stand on one foot, and Brenden couldn’t do it. By Friday, he couldn’t stand or see right. His family took him to Glacial Ridge Hospital in Glenwood, MN.

On Sunday he spiked a 102-degree temperature, and Glacial Ridge had told him that if he spiked a temperature they were to call. Glacial Ridge sent them to Sanford in Fargo and sent a referral to the Hennepin Healthcare Traumatic Brain Injury Outpatient Program. The hospital in Fargo admitted him and over the course of four days, ran a lot of tests. In the end, it was diagnosed as a brain injury, and he was sent home in a wheelchair. He could not walk.

Brenden’s bedroom was in the basement of the Bryce home, so they had to modify things for his access. He had severe headaches all the time. The following week, he went down to Minneapolis to begin outpatient therapy, one of 148 (total of his local, Fargo and HCMC) appointments he would endure during the year.

His first appointment was with Dr. Min Jeong Park Graf, Medical Director of the outpatient program. Tests confirmed he had a moderate to severe brain injury. He also saw the neuro-optometrist who had special glasses made for him. Both eyes had been affected and had sensitivity to light, rapid eye movement, blurred vision, and visual pathway disorder, which basically affected his ability to see.

Around the end of March, Brenden was out of his wheelchair more often and using a walker, and by June he was walking with a walking stick. He started his sophomore year of school with the cane, but by the middle of September, he was walking on his own.

Brenden lives in Lowry, MN, a town of less than 500 people about 18 miles outside of Alexandria. Brenden is a member of the Lake Mary Troopers 4-H Club. His family has been farming for the last three generations since his great-grandfather began farming outside of Glenwood, according to the Alexandria Echo Press. He recently won a heifer, Legacy, from the Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association. The Echo Press ran a story about Brenden when he visited Legacy during his treatment.

His family is so grateful, they recently came down to Minneapolis to thank the care team after Brenden graduated from the program. His mom Lacy, with tears in her eyes recalled the dark days and the fear Brenden would never recover and finally, the young man who was helped by the program and the three therapists who pushed him. Brenden presented his therapists with a mug engraved with a saying he got off a card , that obviously touched his heart.

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